Degrees Directory
Explore individual degrees or programs and access learning objectives, degree worksheets, plans of study, career guides, and more.
Minor in Film
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Finance
Minor in Finance
Minor in Risk Management and Insurance
Master of Science - Quantitative FinanceAvailable Options:
Accelerated Track BA/BS-MS
Certificate in French for the Professions
Certificate in French Language
Minor in French Studies
Gaming Law
Master of Laws in Gaming Law
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies
General Science
Bachelor of Science in General Science
General Studies in Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts in General Studies in Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Minor in Geology
Master of Science - Geoscience
Doctor of Philosophy - GeoscienceAvailable Options:
Post-Bachelor’s – Geoscience Track
Post-Master’s – Geoscience Track
Minor in German Studies
Minor in Gerontology
Global Entrepreneurship Experience
Minor in Global Entrepreneurship Experience
Global Teaching
Certificate in Elementary Global Teaching
Certificate in Secondary Global Teaching
Graduate Certificate In Global Teaching
Graduate Certificate In Global Teaching Research
Graphic Design & Media
Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design and Media
Great Works
Great Works Academic Certificate
Minor in Great Works
Health Physics
Bachelor of Science in Health PhysicsAvailable Options:
Pre-Professional Track
Minor in Health Physics
Master of Science - Health PhysicsAvailable Options:
Environmental Health Physics: Professional Paper Track
Environmental Health Physics: Thesis Track
Medical Physics: Professional Paper Track
Medical Physics: Thesis Track
Doctor of Medical PhysicsAvailable Options:
Post-Bachelor’s Track
Post Master’s Track
Healthcare Administration and Policy
Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration Available Online
Master of Business Administration & Master of Healthcare Administration Dual Degree
Master of Business Administration & Master of Healthcare Administration Dual Degree
Master of Healthcare AdministrationAvailable Options:
Thesis Track
Professional Paper Track
Capstone Track
Executive Master of Healthcare Administration Available Online
Higher Education
Certificate in Leadership Development and Engagement
Graduate Certificate Chief Diversity Officer in Higher Education
Graduate Certificate in College Sport Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
Master of Education - Higher Education