Monday, February 17, 2025
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, East Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, West Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, WorkShop Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Window Gallery
11amStudent UnionStudent Union, Ballroom A
12pmMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Lobby
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, WorkShop Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Window Gallery
10amLied LibraryAudio Production Studio 1 (LLB 1226)
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, East Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, West Gallery
12pmMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Lobby
2pmUniversity Gateway BuildingGather Room
Thursday, February 20, 2025
9amMaryland Administrative Building 2Room 162
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Window Gallery
10amStudent Recreation & Wellness CenterRoom 1020 located on the 1st floor.
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, East Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, West Gallery
12pmMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Lobby
4pmUniversity Gateway BuildingGateway Commons Lounge, 2nd Floor
5:30pmUniversity Gateway BuildingSecond Floor, Room 268
6:30pmScience and Engineering BuildingSEB 1311
7pmMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, Auditorium
Friday, February 21, 2025
8:30amMedical Education Building
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, East Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, West Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Window Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, WorkShop Gallery
10:30amHospitality HallRoom 210
12pmLied LibraryGraduate Commons, Room 2141 on the second floor of Lied Library
12pmMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Lobby
1:30pmUniversity Gateway BuildingGather Room, 2nd Floor
5:30pmGreenspun HallGreenspun Hall, Main Lobby
8pmTap N Ash Social Club 1606 S. Commerce St. Las Vegas, NV
Saturday, February 22, 2025
8amStudent UnionFirst Floor, Food Bar Under the Stairs
9amThomas and Mack Moot Court
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, West Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art Window Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, WorkShop Gallery
10amMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art / Harry Reid CenterMarjorie Barrick Museum of Art, East Gallery
Sunday, February 23, 2025
3pmArtemus W. Ham Concert Hall