• Tim Grigsby sitting on a UNLV bench in the Academic Mall

    The Interview: Timothy Grigsby

    After an unexpected start in public health, this professor of social and behavioral health is uncovering the complexities of substance misuse and childhood trauma.

Rebel Applause

Rebel Applause

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From the News Center

A red UNLV banner hangs from a pole, with the Stratosphere and snowy mountains in the background

On the Forefront of Alzheimer's Disease Research

The 'Brain Health Frontiers: Tackling Alzheimer's Together' panel discussion highlighted the revolutionary research the department of brain health is conducting to fight Alzheimer’s disease.

Arts in the Center Presents 'Climate Shorts: A World Premiere 10-Minute Play Festival' March 5

The plays, written by some of the most important voices in American theatre, are funny, poignant, and tackle one of the most pressing issues of our time.

UNLV Chamber Music Society Welcomes the Fry Street Quartet March 6

Praised by The New York Times, the remarkable quartet is a multi-faceted ensemble taking chamber music in new directions. 


Ph.D. graduate Kathryn Baustian and Barbara Roth (both Anthropology) published "Positions of Power: Situational Flexibility in Mimbres Society" in the January issue of American Antiquity. 
A recent study conducted by faculty members Dr. Kai-Yu Ho and Dr. Jing Nong Liang (both Physical Therapy), along with Doctor of Physical Therapy students Michael Carpio, John Donohue, and Jacob Kissman, investigates the link between knee pain and hip muscle activation. Patellofemoral pain (PFP) — a common knee condition — has traditionally been…
Faculty member teaching in front of class
Faculty members attend a meeting and take vote
Faculty member stands in front of students
Children playing games
People doing yoga
Two women talking to each other