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Shaping the Future of Science

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Chemistry and Biochemistry
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Business Insider
Southwest Airlines is ending its unique open-seating policy after more than 50 years. The airline said its research found 80% of customers preferred assigned seating.
Las Vegas Sun
UNLV medicine professor Edwin Oh had a simple question for his young students. “Do you see green cells?” If they said yes — and, happily, they all did — that meant they had successfully transfused a special protein into a small dish of human kidney cells that allowed the cells to glow green when placed under a beam of blue light emitting from a high-powered fluorescent microscope.
Desert Research Institute
The question of whether Mars ever supported life has captivated the imagination of scientists and the public for decades. Central to the discovery is gaining insight into the past climate of Earth’s neighbor: was the planet warm and wet, with seas and rivers much like those found on our own planet? Or was it frigid and icy, and therefore potentially less prone to supporting life as we know it? A new study finds evidence to support the latter by identifying similarities between soils found on Mars and those of Canada’s Newfoundland, a cold subarctic climate.

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On July 1, Satish C. Bhatnagar (Mathematical Sciences) gave a talk on the topic, A Story of Research in Physical Sciences in a Hybrid Mode. The event was organized by the Mathematics Department of Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (India). Faculty and research scholars from the departments of…
Ali Balooch (Mathematical Sciences) presented "Teaching Exponentials and Logarithms through Video Games" at the 2024 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 8-12 in Spokane, Washington.

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Headshot of Scott Abella
Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences

An expert in ecology, fire management, and U.S. National Parks.

Headshot of Arya Udry
Associate Professor of Geoscience

An expert in planetary science, igneous petrology, and Martian geology.

Headshot of Elisabeth (Libby) Hausrath
Professor of Geoscience

An expert in Mars geochemistry, astrobiology, water-rock interactions, and snow dynamics.

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