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Our Milky Way has a strange, monstrous black hole at its center, which is spinning extremely fast and out of direction with respect to the rest of the galaxy. An international research team has just discovered why the monster black hole Sagittarius A* (Sagittarius A*) appears to be “lost” compared to the rest of the Milky Way.
It’s an important week for Southwest Airlines, as the carrier prepares to announce more details about its move away from the open seating model that’s long been its trademark. That's a major change for the Dallas-based carrier — one that Southwest has been considering since at least 2006.
Daily Passport
You’d be forgiven for thinking you need an advanced degree to understand airplane boarding. In fact, even scientists have tried to crack the mystery of why boarding a plane can take so long. As airlines experiment with different methods, carriers have introduced processes so complex that they include as many as 10 different boarding groups — and even those in “Group 1” might find themselves boarding behind others. If you’re curious about this often-dreaded part of the air travel experience, take a closer look at how airlines determine how to board a plane.

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Jichun Li (Mathematical Sciences) and his collaborators recently established a time-dependent Maxwell’s equation model for simulating wave propagation in hyperbolic metamaterials. They proposed effective numerical algorithms to demonstrate the applications for designing hyperbolic superlenses. The…
A peer reviewed manuscript by authors professor Frederic Poineau (Radiochemistry) and Ph.D. candidate Harry Jang has been accepted for publication by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The article titled, "Revealing Uranium Tetrafluoride Microrods," represents the first time uranium…

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Headshot of Stephen Rowland
Professor Emeritus of Geology

An expert in geology, paleoecology, paleontology, and the history of geology.

Headshot of Nora Caberoy
Lincy Associate Professor of Life Sciences

Nora Caberoy is an expert on eye diseases, specifically the factors and pathways associated with damage of the retina. 

Headshot of Frank van Breukelen
Professor, School of Life Sciences

An expert on hibernation, pupfish, evolution, and cellular biology.

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