A father plays a synth piano with his daughter.
Campus News |

Students explore the soundtracks to history in the vibe-iest way possible.

close up of conductor and unlv orchestra
Arts and Culture |

The orchestra is conducted by the artistic director Taras Krysa.

woman in white dress using silks to hang from outdoor pagoda
Research |

Communication studies professor Laura Martinez researches how circus organizations and performers can support career longevity and physical health.

female student actor performing in a play
Arts and Culture |

The shorts are a series of 10-minute plays by exciting American playwrights.

UNLV Experts In The News


For years, a rumor has circulated that greeting card companies invented Valentine's Day, which falls yearly on Feb. 14.

C.B.S. News

The history of Valentine's Day is mushy. It's been linked to a 12th-century poem about birds mating, the Christian-martyr-turned-Saint Valentine and a deadly fertility ritual in ancient Rome, but Elizabeth Nelson, an associate professor of history at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, thinks that's all a stretch.


Whimsical, color-drenched destinations are experiencing a revival across the US, but their sudden comeback is driven by more than just nostalgia

two mariachi musicians playing instruments
Arts and Culture |

Hundreds of young artists to compete in mariachi group and vocal competitions, with a special performance by UNLV’s own Mariachi Revolución.

man placing carboard in bin for recycling
Campus News |

The initiative explores how higher education areas like research and academics contribute to sustainability efforts.

Drew Peltier in lab with tree samples
Research |

Life Sciences professor Drew Peltier explores how trees grow, survive, and reproduce despite poor conditions — and when they might not recover.

Tim Grigsby sitting on a UNLV bench in the Academic Mall
People |

After an unexpected start in public health, this professor of social and behavioral health is uncovering the complexities of substance misuse and childhood trauma.

Erik Matthewson on the green swinging a golf club
People |

Setbacks don't deter Erik Matthewson from becoming first UNLV golf management student to reach a Tour-level event.

Recent Accomplishments

Dr. Jingchun Chen (Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine) and her team used deep learning AI techniques to develop genetic models based on polygenic risk scores (PRS). A PRS functions like a genetic risk calculator, combining the effects of thousands of small genetic variations to estimate the likelihood of developing specific diseases.…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) co-authored the article, "Undercurrent in Taiwan: Nationalism and Calculation of the Cross-Strait Relations (2002–2022)," in Public Opinion Quarterly. In this article, Wang and others analyzed 14 waves of survey (n = 16494) from 2002 to 2022 trying to explain a big research question: Why did…
Dr. Graham McGinnis (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) and his former doctoral student Dr. Michael Dial (Ohio State University), along with other members of the Exercise Physiology and Integrated Chronobiology Lab published an article titled, "Social jetlag alters markers of exercise-induced mitochondrial adaptations in the heart," in the…
Woman reads tablet while sitting in chair next to a window

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