‘This Is What the Job Is’
Nearly a year after they brought an end to the violence of Dec. 6, officers Damian Garcia and Nate Drum reflect on the relationships that make them part of this community.
Current Issue: Fall 2024
Nearly a year after they brought an end to the violence of Dec. 6, officers Damian Garcia and Nate Drum reflect on the relationships that make them part of this community.

Critically injured professor Bot Rith shares his journey of recovery from the Dec. 6 campus shooting.

President Keith E. Whitfield reflects on two stories that go to the heart of what it means to be a Rebel.

A roundup of news about the brights spots on campus.

UNLV grads and longtime event volunteers Kevin McVay and Robin Grove drop their Top 5 list of commemorative T-shirts from the annual event.
Steered by President Keith E. Whitfield and UNLV Alumni Association, the first-ever event drew the support of around 100 participants.

From the football field to the classroom to the community, highly decorated UNLV linebacker Jackson Woodard is consumed with being the best version of himself.

Nearly 35 years after shining on the softball diamond, Christine Parris returns to campus for a well-deserved induction into the UNLV Athletics Hall of Fame.

Legendary men’s golf coach Dwaine Knight and former NFL standout Talance Sawyer are among those enshrined as part of class of 2024.
The College of Sciences installs a dilution refrigerator, a machine used to study quantum particles and devices near absolute zero.

College of Sciences is building an academic training and workforce development program around soil and groundwater remediation.

It’s not how many minutes, but how much fun, says new neuroscience research.
UNLV casino management researcher Anthony Lucas looks at the apparent diminishing returns between free-play offers and patron behavior.

What ties this year's honorees together? A strong sense of gratitude for the unique experiences they had as students and community connections they've made through UNLV.

The former student body president and longtime donor passes away, 60 years after UNLV's first commencement.
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