R1: UNLV Retains Place Among Nation's Top Research Universities
UNLV was recognized with its third consecutive R1 designation for research excellence from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.
Shocking 'requirements' for cabin crew workers in 1954 go viral as people describe them as 'disgusting'
A list of requirements given for people hoping to land a job as a cabin crew member in 1954 has gone viral, with each request almost more wild than the last. And to give you a quick insight as to just how shocking they really are, the first one is 'Single - Not Engaged'. In a happy relationship? Sorry, you just don't make the cut.
New research and samples released today by NASA and UNLV show some early results of a years long mission dedicated to determining whether the planet Mars ever supported life.
Requirements for Being a Flight Attendant in 1954 Go Viral
Apost highlighting the rigid and appearance-based qualifications required to become a flight attendant in the 1950s has gone viral on Reddit. The post, shared by Reddit user ineedtofiguremys***, has amassed 34,000 upvotes since it was posted on February 11.
After an unexpected start in public health, this professor of social and behavioral health is uncovering the complexities of substance misuse and childhood trauma.
Published: Michael Dial, Graham McGinnis, students in the Exercise Physiology and Integrated Chronobiology Lab
Dr. Graham McGinnis (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) and his former doctoral student Dr. Michael Dial (Ohio State University), along with other members of the Exercise Physiology and Integrated Chronobiology Lab published an article titled, "Social jetlag alters markers of exercise-induced mitochondrial adaptations in the heart," in the…
Professor Addie Rolnick (Law) moderated a panel on The Future of Indian Nations Gaming & Governance (INGG) Program at the INGG Annual Symposium.
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