Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español

On a flight to Las Vegas earlier this month, a Florida family discussed how they planned to react in the unlikely event that they had to flee from an active shooter in a crowded place.

Verywell Mind

COVID-19 was particularly challenging for Asian Americans who navigated negative job developments and hate crimes. This is likely connected to the model minority stereotype, which places unrealistic expectations on Asian Americans.

Las Vegas Sun

Las Vegans dealing with homelessness will soon have access to newly upgraded facilities in downtown Las Vegas.

Huffington Post

"My husband attended every appointment during the first and second trimester. During one visit, a nurse told him, 'You don’t really have to keep coming to these.'”

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

According to Nevada’s June job numbers, our state now has more than 1.4 million jobs, which is 3,000 higher than our previous peak in 2020.

Las Vegas Review Journal

On a flight to Las Vegas earlier this month, a Florida family discussed how they planned to react in the unlikely event they found themselves having to flee from an active shooter in a crowded place.

Las Vegas Review Journal

On a flight to Las Vegas earlier this month, a Florida family discussed how they planned to react in the unlikely event they found themselves having to flee from an active shooter in a crowded place.


In early 2017, my husband and I sat in the OB-GYN’s office to confirm that we were pregnant with our first child. The room was littered with literature for new moms on birthing and breastfeeding classes, hospital tours and registration, and pamphlets on how to recognize postpartum depression. As we sat waiting for our ultrasound, my husband pointed out the lack of resources for men transitioning to life as new dads.