Experts In The News


Donald Trump ran the table in Nevada on Tuesday night, winning nearly 46 percent of the vote to pick up his third win in a row. He won across a variety of subgroups — including Hispanics — which now begs the question: Can anyone halt his march to the nomination?


Mark Cuban threw some serious shade at politicians who want to ban fantasy sports in a USA Today opinion piece published this week. The Dallas Mavericks owner and host of Shark Tank argued that the popular game of skill wasn’t going anywhere despite reports predicting the industry’s demise.

N.B.C. News

In the continuing battle over the Latino vote, Donald Trump claimed that he won over Hispanic voters in Nevada in yesterday's caucus. The media noted that Latinos who participated in yesterday's caucus favored Donald Trump over the other candidates with 45 percent of the vote. The next largest share of Latino voters went to Marco Rubio, according to exit polls.

NY Daily News

Republican candidate Ted Cruz has fired his campaign communications manager Rick Tyler after he posted a doctored video of rival candidate Marco Rubio.

Huffington Post

Delany*, a 22-year-old college student, tells all of her female friends to get on Tumblr, not for the body-positive memes or feminist art projects, but for the porn.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

The Republican National Committee will be scrutinizing Tuesday night's caucus to see how smoothly it goes. This comes after the caucus in 2012 was plagued with problems.

Washington Post

Bernie Sanders may not be winning with baby boomers, and he may not be winning with minorities. But the 74-year-old senator has locked up one vote: the producers and peddlers of Internet memes.

FOX News

From Iowa to South Carolina, republican voters are setting records with voter turnout, but on the democratic side in every 2016 contest to date voting numbers, turnout have been significantly down.