Portrait of Professor David James, Civil and Environmental Engineering

The (Remote) Interview: David James

Longtime civil engineering faculty member David James takes a look back at how UNLV and Southern Nevada have changed over the last 30 years

Professor David James, civil and environmental engineering.

a. The device he is holding is a Eureka Rhodamine-temperature-depth probe. Rhodamine is a fluorescent dye that is measured in the water.

b. The images on the monitors behind him were all of Lake Arrowhead Reservoir, San Bernardino County, California. The three images were from left to right behind him:

1. Lake bathymetry color contour map, where red was shallowest and deep blue was deepest.

2. Lake bathymetry with monitoring stations and Rhodamine vs depth profiles.

3. Computer model output simulating movement of Rhodamine at a particular depth in Lake Arrowhead. where red was the highest concentration and blue was the lowest concentration. (Lonnie Timmons III/UNLV Photo Services)

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