Anthony F. Lucas In The News
In the Oscar-nominated 2003 movie “The Cooler,” William H. Macy portrays a downtown Las Vegas casino employee whose job is to reverse winning streaks. Bernie Lootz — get it, lose? — has such extraordinary bad luck, all he needs to do is sit next to a guest experiencing good luck and it stops.
Five red roulette numbers hitting in a row doesn’t mean a black one is more likely on the sixth spin. Even if you recognize the truth of this statement, whenever that sixth spin lands on black, it can still be difficult to resist learning incorrectly from the experience.
Despite the gambling industry’s near-religious reliance on free-play bonus offers, new evidence affirms that other factors like amenities and ambiance might be more important to customer retention in a retail casino environment. One recent study found that reducing or even eliminating free-play offers had little impact on retail gamblers’ behavior. A similar discussion is underway in the iGaming space, as online operators and their investors are increasingly concerned about whether they’re getting a return on their promotional investments. In both channels, experimentation and selective targeting of free play spending seem to be key, while traditional scattershot approaches may be a waste of money.