In The News: College of Liberal Arts

The Defense Post

If the US policy of strategic ambiguity continues to be its primary doctrine toward the Taiwan Strait a grim picture emerges.


Preserve Nevada has come out with its annual list of the 11 most endangered places in the state.

Nevada State News

Nevadans next year will have the opportunity to vote on open primaries and ranked-choice voting, if a newly formed statewide coalition has its way.

Nevada Current

Nevadans next year will have the opportunity to vote on open primaries and ranked-choice voting, if a newly formed statewide coalition has its way.

The Limited Times

Beijing's crackdown on Hong Kong has played a huge role in the way Taiwan's younger generation views China.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nevada law enforcement and prosecutors are combating a homegrown type of terrorism rearing its anti-government head in confrontations with authorities.


As Hong Kong authorities arrested pro-democracy supporters, including opposition politicians and newspaper editors, a growing number of Taiwanese are considering the island’s future relations with mainland China.

The Great Courses Daily

Thanksgiving is a joyous, albeit stressful, holiday.

Las Vegas Sun

When Jamie Lee Sprague-Ballou first came out as transgender to her parents, it took a couple of years for their relationship to realign.

OCDE Newsroom

A virtual forum presented by the Orange County Department of Education will celebrate the deep histories, dynamic cultures and enduring contributions of Native Americans and explore how educational systems can more purposely meet the needs of Indigenous students.

Discover Magazine

These evidence-based activities have shown to improve or preserve your brain's ability to think, learn or remember while aging.

Travel Industry Today

Even during a pandemic, the house never loses, as the return of tourism helped US casinos win nearly $14 billion in the third quarter of this year, marking the industry’s best quarter ever and pushing revenue past what it was for all of 2020.