In The News: College of Liberal Arts


From candy canes to mulled wine, Christmas is a chance to indulge in certain taste traditions. You might prepare these holiday treats near the sparkly lights of your tree, or you might enjoy them under the neon lights of the Strip. We talked about holiday food traditions from cultures around the world, as celebrated right here in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Sun

It wasn’t a phone call she wanted, nor ever anticipated, but when Andrea Swanson realized she had not received a call for help, she broke down in tears.


The killings of six worshippers at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin has thrust attention on white power music, a thrashing, punk-metal genre that sees the white race under siege.

New York Times
Will Internet companies help or hinder government authorities that try to restrict their citizens from using the Web freely? And will their customers, investors or shareholders care enough to do something about it?
Columbus Dispatch

The Ohio Lottery Commission raked in more than $1.3 million from the first nine days of gambling at Scioto Downs, which opened June 1.

Parents Magazine

Many kids go through an "I hate school" phase. Find out how to get your student out of her funk.

Las Vegas Review Journal
Richard Plackowski admits he's been tempted to post something online that wasn't very nice. When he sees a YouTube video that's "kind of dumb." Or when someone makes "an ignorant statement" in an online discussion.