For media inquiries, visit the Office of Media Relations website or call 702-895-3102.

U.S.A. Today

A University of Nevada, Las Vegas, student died last week after a fraternity's amateur boxing match, according to a university statement.

The New York Times

Nathan Valencia, 20, a student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, died on Nov. 23 of brain injuries four days after headlining a charity boxing match, lawyers for his family said.

The Limited Times

Beijing's crackdown on Hong Kong has played a huge role in the way Taiwan's younger generation views China.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nevada law enforcement and prosecutors are combating a homegrown type of terrorism rearing its anti-government head in confrontations with authorities.

Big Think

Until now, researchers believed davemaoite could never be found on Earth's surface.

U.S. News and World Report

Police in Las Vegas help federal officials capture undocumented immigrants jailed for nonviolent crimes, a shift in practice that critics say was never made public.


As Hong Kong authorities arrested pro-democracy supporters, including opposition politicians and newspaper editors, a growing number of Taiwanese are considering the island’s future relations with mainland China.


Alzheimer’s treatments seemed unlikely just a few months ago.

CNN Indonesia

Scientists have found an unprecedented sample of a rare diamond from the bowels of the Earth called davemaoite.

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