Experts In The News

Wall Street Journal

With millions of small companies reeling from the pandemic, owners and advocates hope the Small Business Administration under President Biden will offer more solutions to their troubles. But what is it small businesses actually want from the SBA?

CTV News

As a giant clock counted down to 12:01 Tuesday morning, crowds cheered the complete reopening of downtown Las Vegas for the first time in more than a year, with live music and no mask or social distancing required. Businesses are now allowed to be open at full capacity, with no COVID-19 restrictions.

Wall Street Journal

Five states in the region accounted for 30% of U.S. job growth in manufacturing over three years, adding more than 100,000 jobs.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Big crowds and crowded sidewalks are spotted across the Las Vegas Strip on Sunday afternoon. The scene is a big contrast to last year, when resorts were boarded up, escalators bare and sidewalks empty.

El Tiempo

José Iván Cervantes came to Las Vegas as a freshman in high school, amazed to be in “one of the most important cities in the United States,” and he hardly speaks English. Now ready to graduate, he also advocates for his school, which has faced uncertainty as the Clark County School District considers changes to the way English Learners are taught.

Focus Gaming News

With many venues already operating at full capacity, some casinos in Las Vegas are holding job fairs to recruit staff.

Mysterious Universe

According to an interesting new study, the human body may be able to repair itself for as long as 120 to 150 years but that’s the limit.

With Nevada casinos opening at 100 percent capacity on Tuesday, Boyd Gaming in Las Vegas is holding its fourth job fair soon to fill openings. Other casinos in Las Vegas and across the country are hiring, too.