Experts In The News

Study Finds

Placenta pills may be all the rage for new mothers in recent years, but their benefits may be more limited than many believe. A new study finds that women who practiced maternal placentophagy didn’t see any notable improvements when it came to their mood, ability to bond with their baby, or fatigue level.

As science teaches us, the human placenta is the organ responsible for metabolic exchanges between the mother and the fetus. It consists of a maternal part, or Basal Decidua, which develops from the maternal tissue, and from a fetal part, ie the corion frondosum that develops from the same blastocyst that forms the fetus.

Food Processing

Consuming the placenta (in pill form) after childbirth has been an increasingly popular trend in countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia and the United States. But a study by the University of Navada, Las Vegas, (UNLV) suggested it does not have as many health benefits as expected.

Las Vegas Business Press

They work at different hospitals, but Dr. Alan MacIntyre and Dr. Syed Saquib shared a common bond Oct. 1 — they were two of the first trauma surgeons on duty waiting for a rush of causalities from the mass shooting on the Strip.

La Opinión

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday ordered immigration judges to expedite as much as possible the disposition of pending cases in those courts, confirming among other things that it will review the effectiveness of the magistrates in "finalizing" pending cases and that the federal government will make a heavy investment in hiring to assist them.

Los Angeles Times

The mass shooting in Las Vegas by a gunman perched high above concert grounds left 58 people dead, hundreds wounded and thousands scarred by the trauma of that night.

Las Vegas Patch

If the Trump Administration plans to shrink national monuments in Nevada—as it does in Utah, according to documents obtained today by The Washington Post—groups supporting Gold Butte and Basin and Range National Monuments have readied a litigious rebuttal.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

The bombshell hit Friday: A former staffer claimed U.S. Rep. Ruben Kihuen sexually harassed her and made advances.