Experts In The News

Associated Press

Health officials in Las Vegas said Thursday that the tourist destination has its first case of coronavirus — a man in his 50s who recently returned from a trip to Washington state.

Associated Press

Brian Labus is an assistant professor of public health at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas and a former senior epidemiologist at the Southern Nevada Health District.

The Conversation

We are exposed to numerous viruses from our day-to-day interactions with other people all the time. However, our risk of being infected by a simple greeting usually isn’t in the forefront of our minds.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

As coronavirus concerns continue around the world and in Las Vegas, many small business owners and hospitality industry employees are concerned about its local economic impact.

K.V.V.U. T.V. Fox 5

As people stock up on groceries and cleaning supplies, doctors are trying to calm peoples' nerves surrounding novel coronavirus, or COVID-19.


As coronavirus grips the globe, government agencies and employers are giving advice that could be problematic for this tourism mecca: Travel less.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

It is ‘Stay Well Day’ here at Channel 8. We are prioritizing your health and how to best protect yourself. With coronavirus cases on the rise worldwide due to more people being tested, some local shoppers have been clearing shelves at stores across the valley.

Las Vegas Review Journal

At least two casino operators on the Strip are stepping up cleaning efforts as a new coronavirus spreads around the globe, with one confirmed case in Southern Nevada.