Stephen D. Benning In The News

Looking for the perfect Halloween costume to wear this year? While you might think costumes are about hiding behind another identity, they can also be a way to channel your own personality or interests.
Everyday Health
You may have heard about the upcoming Olivia Wilde–directed thriller, Don’t Worry Darling, because of its promising reviews. (It will be released September 23, but premiered at the Venice International Film Festival [PDF] earlier this month.) Or it may be on your radar because of the off-camera drama around the cast’s and crew’s purported feuds, snubs, bad blood, and affairs of the heart (including a romance between director, Wilde, and star, Harry Styles).
K.N.P.R. News
In the last two months Las Vegas has gone through the fear and panic of mass shootings, even though the shootings never happened.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
The public’s reaction to Thursday night’s strip shooting was something experts call – priming effect. 8 News Now spoke to a UNLV psychologist about this and how dangerous it can be because of social media.
Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español
On a flight to Las Vegas earlier this month, a Florida family discussed how they planned to react in the unlikely event that they had to flee from an active shooter in a crowded place.
Las Vegas Review Journal
On a flight to Las Vegas earlier this month, a Florida family discussed how they planned to react in the unlikely event they found themselves having to flee from an active shooter in a crowded place.
Las Vegas Sun
Perry Woodward was gathering his belongings after officiating a recreational basketball game between teenagers on Tuesday night when he peeked onto the adjacent court at Doolittle Community Center to see the status of another game.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
At the RTC bus stop in downtown Las Vegas, it's a sight not seen in nearly two years: Travelers without masks.