Michael Kagan In The News

Le Monde
The president reaffirmed Wednesday his willingness to have the wall financed at the border by Mexico and signed a decree calling for sanctioning cities that protect migrants.
Le Parisien
The US president wants to "regain control of the borders" while more than 11 million illegal immigrants live in the United States, almost half of whom are from Mexico.
Folha de Pernambuco
"We will protect all of our people no matter where they come from," said New York Mayor Bill de Blasio
Prensa Libre
As promised in his election campaign, President Donald Trump opened fire on Wednesday against the "sanctuary cities" of the United States that protect undocumented immigrants from deportation, whom they want to deprive of federal funds.
New York and Los Angeles, the two largest sanctuary cities in the United States, pledged on Wednesday to resist Donald Trump and continue to protect his illegal immigrants.
New York and Los Angeles, the two largest sanctuary cities in the United States, pledged on Wednesday to resist Donald Trump and continue to protect his illegal immigrants.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
At the end of this month, just about a week after Donald J. Trump becomes president, I will begin to teach my regular law-school course on immigration law at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. For the first time, I am apprehensive.
A conservative news outlet criticized a federal program created to bring United States children fleeing violence in Central America into the United States, saying it largely benefits adults.