Michael Kagan In The News

Trump says his daughter Ivanka has been ‘treated badly’ and ‘abused’ over the dumping of her clothing line.
US immigration authorities have arrested hundreds of illegal immigrants in US raids across the country this week, Reuters reported.
New York Post
U.S. federal immigration agents arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least four states this week in what officials on Friday called routine enforcement actions.
Officials say they are routine operations. Hundreds of people have been arrested in the last week in daily raids on homes and workplaces. It is a testament to the anti-immigration policies of Donald Trump.
The New York Times
Recently, I met with a former student of mine who showed exceptional promise during his freshman year. Since he took my class, he has become a leader in social justice groups and works part time at the university’s women’s center. He is now a junior and is on schedule to graduate a semester early. He is a model student. He is also undocumented.
A federal judge blocked Saturday part of President Donald Trump's temporary immigration ban, ordering authorities to stop deporting refugees and other travelers stuck at US airports. The decision accompanied growing resistance to Trump's crackdown on Muslim immigration, with large protests spreading at major airports across the country.
Saudi Gazette
Resistance to President Donald Trump’s crackdown on Muslim immigration mounted quickly on Saturday, with protests spreading across the country and the first legal challenge filed to an order branded as blatantly discriminatory.
Huffington Post
A judge has banned the expulsion of foreign nationals arrested at US airports.