Rachael D. Robnett In The News

According to one study, published in the journal Sex Roles, it was found that those who retained their own surnames after getting hitched are perceived as being more powerful, more ambitious and enjoying more autonomy within a marriage, while their husbands are seen to be ‘submissive’, ‘timid’ and ‘understanding’.
News 18
A woman changing her last name after her marriage has been a part of the tradition in most places across the world. Until the ninth century, the idea didn’t even surface in English common law, when lawmakers began to consider the legalities surrounding personhood, families, and marriage.
ABC Australlia
Shortly after Cameron Smith and Charlotte Peverett tied the knot 10 years ago, Cameron proposed that he take his wife's surname.
International Business Times
While many of marriage's fundamental elements have evolved over the years – the freedom to separate, the legalisation of same-sex marriage in numerous countries and prenuptial agreements –one thing that has been slow to evolve is the changing of surnames in heterosexual unions. But things are beginning to change, with a number of men deciding to take on their wives' surnames in some form.
These days many women keep their own name when they marry, and couples are increasingly opting for a double-barrelled or merged name. But men who take their wife's surname are still quite rare. Kirstie Brewer spoke to three.
A recent study found that people think that women who decide to keep their surname after marriage have more authority over them. This, however, affects how people see the spouse.
A few decades ago, at the time of the marriage, the women almost always took the full name of the husband, with the suffix "va" in Hungary. Wives, however, now have plenty of choices outside of this version. There is a great deal of popularity in getting their parents' surnames or fitting them with their own hyphen in front of their first name.
天下雜誌 World Magazine
In Taiwan, many women born in 40 or 50 years after the Republic of China are no longer surnamed. But in the United States, we still see that Hillary is crowned with the husband's name "Clinton", and the first lady Melanie is crowned "Trump." After the American actress Jessica Biel married the singer's husband Justin Timberlake, she became Jessica Timberlake. Why are women in the United Kingdom and the United States still surnamed?