A transit center with a tall vertical structure that reads "U-N-L-V" in red letters

Purchasing and Contracts

Purchasing and Contracts is dedicated to effectively and efficiently procuring quality goods and services in support of UNLV’s mission. We achieve this through exceptional customer service, innovative processes, and sound business practices.

2024 Award Winners Logo

Purchasing and Contracts has won the Achievement of Excellent in Procurement® (AEP) award for the 17th consecutive year. The award recognizes public and non-profit organizations for excellence in innovation, professionalism, e-procurement, productivity, and leadership.

Close up shot of a contract document with a pen placed at the top of the page
A person pushing on a button that reads "Procurement" surrounded by various icons
A person holding up a credit card
A person's hands on a keyboard typing on a laptop

Contact Information

Help & Inquiry


8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)

Mailing Address
Purchasing & Contracts
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Mail Stop: 1033
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89154

Campus Location
Campus Services Building (CSB), Room 119

Fraud Alert

Sometimes suppliers receive emails from individuals pretending to be officers of our university. The emails invite suppliers to purchase items. When a supplier makes a “purchase” they receive a fake purchase order.

If you have not registered in our registration system, then any correspondence you have received authorizing you to process an order on UNLV's behalf is most likely fraudulent.

If you have any suspicion about contacts you receive indicating they are from UNLV, please contact 702-895-3521 immediately to confirm.