Check MyUNLV
Familiarize yourself with MyUNLV and regularly check your To-Do List located in the Tasks tile. Be sure to complete any items on your list before each semester.
Submit Your Official Documents and Placement Information
Before attending orientation, you must submit final official documents (as appropriate) to the Office of Admissions:
- High School Transcript – Submit your official final high school transcript after your graduation.
- College Transcript(s) – If you have taken college-level coursework, submit all official transcripts to receive transfer credit and for accurate course placement.
- ACT/SAT Scores – If you have your official test scores or have improved scores, submit these to the Office of Admissions as soon as possible. These scores will place you in appropriate classes. We also understand you may not have been able to complete an ACT/SAT exam due to COVID-19. If this is the case, we want to work with you on getting placed into the right courses. Review placement information and placement test options available at UNLV. Completion of the placement test options prior to orientation will ensure that scores are utilized for course enrollment. If you have any questions, contact and we'll be happy to help.
- AP/IB Test Scores – Send all AP/IB test scores. If you are in an IB Certificate or Diploma Program, send your official transcript upon completion of your studies.
Complete the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment at Orientation
As part of New Student Orientation, you can complete the ALEKS placement assessment in person. ALEKS is a powerful online assessment tool that focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of a student's mathematical knowledge. It is used to help improve math skills and course placement options.
ALEKS provides self-paced learning opportunities that students can work on over the summer and offers an opportunity to retake the placement assessment up to two additional times to improve math placement. This assessment is offered free of charge while funds last.
If you need testing accommodations for the ALEKS placement assessment, be sure to contact the Disability Resource Center.
Submit Required Immunization Records
All enrolled students who attend classes on campus must meet immunization requirements. Submit proof of immunization to the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible to prevent registration holds.
Review Your Class Schedule - Fall Semester
Based on your test scores and any college credit you have earned, you'll automatically be enrolled in your first semester by an academic advisor. You'll receive your class schedule when you attend New Student Orientation. After attending orientation, you can adjust your schedule in MyUNLV.
Register for Classes - Spring Semester
Academic advising is not provided during spring orientation. Contact your Advising Center to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
Activate Your Rebelmail
Follow the online steps to activate your Rebelmail. Using your Rebelmail account is mandatory, as it is the university’s official means of communicating with you. Your Rebelmail account includes the G Suite, giving you access to Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Calendar, and unlimited storage on the Drive.
Explore On-Campus Housing & Dining
Make the most of your college experience by living and dining on campus. Learn more about the housing and dining options available at UNLV.
First-Year, On-Campus Requirement
If you are a UNLV first-year coming from a high school outside of Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Boulder City, or Pahrump and are taking six or more credits, you must live on campus during your first year.