News: Student and Academic Success

New and revamped student housing theme floors connect students to faculty, campus resources, and each other.
The associate director for Lee Business School's Career and Professional Development Office uses her experiences as both a faculty member and alum to mentor students.
In her 25 years at UNLV, the Urban Affairs advisor and administrator has influenced the future careers of hundreds of Rebels.

Event organizers hope new program will ease student transition to collegiate life and instill a feeling of belonging.

Professional development opportunity enables academic advisor Jacquee deJesus to better assist students with using campus technology.

Jannie Nigoza will kick-start her career in Korea after working hard to earn the program grant.
The senior coordinator of Supplemental Instruction and Tutoring rings in her first anniversary at the UNLV Academic Success Center.
The associate vice provost for student success knows firsthand how providing opportunities and encouragement to students of all backgrounds can influence academic achievement.

From teaching freshman composition at UNLV to teaching high school English in Japan, this Rebel is back and ready to help exploring majors navigate their academic journey here.
For her work as an advisor, instructor, mentor, and volunteer, Cheryl Tillotson was awarded the UNLV Alumni Association's Achievement in Service Award.
General studies bachelor’s ensures that life challenges don't stand in the way of completing a degree for students who've already completed a large number of credits.

Academic Success Center employee named a President’s 2022 Classified Employees of the Year.