In The News: Department of Physics and Astronomy

New Atlas

Ice may seem pretty simple in our everyday experience, but it actually comes in at least 20 different forms. Scientists at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) have now discovered a new type of ice that may be found deep in the Earth’s mantle or on distant watery planets.


Nearly 15 years after the discovery of fast radio bursts (FRBs), the origin of the millisecond-long, deep-space cosmic explosions remains a mystery. That may soon change, thanks to the work of an international team of scientists which tracked hundreds of the bursts from five different sources and found clues in FRB polarization patterns that may reveal their origin.

Tech Explorist

There are at least 20 solid forms of ice known to us. Recently, UNLV scientists have discovered a new form of ice, redefining the properties of water at high pressures.

Tech Explorist

There are at least 20 solid forms of ice known to us. Recently, UNLV scientists have discovered a new form of ice, redefining the properties of water at high pressures.

Science Daily

Findings could have implications for our understanding of distant, water-rich planets.

Science Daily

Findings could have implications for our understanding of distant, water-rich planets.

Physics Today

A correlation between the observed frequencies and polarizations of the energetic radio pulses suggests the bursts originate in active regions such as magnetars in binary systems.


Detected in the galaxy M81, which is about 12 million light years from Earth, baffles astronomers

Boulder City Review

About 100 years ago, on Thursday, Jan. 26, 1922, at 10 a.m., eight members of the Colorado River Commission gathered for the first time at the offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C. Over the next 11 months, they negotiated the details of the Colorado River Compact signed on Nov. 24, 1922. (Herbert) Hoover, then secretary of commerce, stated: “It is hoped that such an agreement … will prevent endless litigation which will inevitably arise in the conflict of states’ rights.”


Its origin challenges assumptions about what causes these enigmatic signals


Around the turn of the 21st century, a new age of galactic discovery began.

True Viral News

The telescope will be used to take unprecedented images of the deepest part of the universe. The powerful space instrument will devote a full quarter of its first year to peering at exoplanets in the Milky Way.