For media inquiries, visit the Office of Media Relations website or call 702-895-3102.

The Atlantic

Earlier this year, at the encouragement of President Obama, the Department of Labor finalized the most significant update to the federal rules on overtime in decades. The new rules will more than double the salary threshold for guaranteed overtime pay, from about $23,000 to $47,476. Once the rules go into effect this December, millions of employees who make less than that will be guaranteed overtime pay under the law when they work more than 40 hours a week.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The speeding days of summer are over.

Today marks the start of a new school year for most children across Clark County — just the right time for drivers to get a crash-course on some road rules.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

A UNLV study has found that students perform better in school if their teacher is good looking.


Do students learn more effectively from attractive teachers? If you answered yes, go to the head of the class!

El Tiempo

In 2010, the American Psychological Association published a study entitled Stress in America, which reported that the economy is the main factor causing this discomfort. To find a harmony between work and home is the second concern according to this analysis.

El Tiempo

Prevent Child Abuse Nevada (PCA), who work on child abuse prevention, focus primarily on sexual nature. The University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) is in charge of the program that offers free classes in Spanish to parents, as channeled families if a child has suffered abuse.


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton is scheduled to campaign in Nevada. Statewide polls show a tight race there between her and Donald Trump.

Las Vegas Sun

The media have clearly failed us all. That seems to be the resounding take on this election.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Deportation of undocumented immigrants is at a nine-year low nationally, and the numbers are not expected to return to the historic highs seen in President Barack Obama’s first term unless November elections lead to a new direction on U.S. immigration policy.

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