Experts In The News

National Parks Traveler

Opponents say the project would threaten roads, wildlife, and even the night sky itself, not to mention the lifeblood of the South Rim: water. Proponents point to economic development to serve an ever-increasing number of visitors.

Humans may be able to live for between 120 and 150 years, but no longer than this "absolute limit" on human life span, a new study suggests.


For singletons, the urge to get back out there might be strong, but we’re still in a pandemic after all, and, while there’s light at the end of the tunnel, Covid’s impact on us and society at large is undeniable and unchangeable.

Head Topics

Worried about getting back out there?

As society regains its pre-pandemic routine, many people are considering ending their relationships.


Experts say it’s best to confront your grief even when it may seem easier said than done.


Oregon's House Judiciary Committee held an informational hearing Thursday on a bill that would decriminalize prostitution in the state.

Single family rentals have come up as one of the rising stars of post-pandemic commercial real estate.