collage of five photos with students doing internships
Campus News |
Students share the moments that mirror — and defy — internship stereotypes in popular media. 
UNLV campus
Campus News |
Brookings foreign policy expert and UNLV faculty to discuss Southern border relationship as part of free public lecture series.
woman sits on quilt made of shirts with wreath in her lap
People |
The associate director for Lee Business School's Career and Professional Development Office uses her experiences as both a faculty member and alum to mentor students.
Graduate business students business international businesses in Chile.
People |
MPA student Andrea Rangelova gets a taste of Chile’s business practices to enrich her future professional experience.
a park ranger speaks with visitors at Ice Age Fossils Park in Nevada
People |
Geoscience graduate Dawn Reynoso helps create Ice Age Fossils State Park.
diagnostic tools and research paper on black table
Campus News |
First-of-its-kind database, supported by Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation, will provide greater access to key data on Alzheimer’s to researchers around the world.
A collage of UNLV business graduate student in Chile.
People |
MBA student Sarah Miller is captivated by the beauty, history, businesses, and sustainable lifestyle found in Chile.
A banner on campus that features the Black Mountain Institute logo with the text, "Supporting Writers in Las Vegas"
Arts and Culture |
Shearing and City of Asylum fellows to join a growing Las Vegas literary community.
A collage of photos of a graduate student's trip to Chile.
People |
MBA student Jennifer Strahan bridges her classroom experience with real-world applications by way of the Andes Mountains.
exterior of the business school while under maintenance
Campus News |
Facilities Management team completes repairs and several safety enhancements prior to the start of fall classes.
man looking to side with banner that reads 'REB' in the background
People |
The Facilities Management project manager has been leading a collaborative effort to improve and update the security for Frank and Estella Beam Hall.
photo illustration of individual potatoes agains a blue sky with a hand grasping one potato
Research |
Nutrition sciences professor Neda Akhavan's recent study suggests spuds as a potential superfood for those with Type 2 diabetes.