Łukasz J. Sznajder (Biochemistry) was awarded an NIH R16 grant ($0.75M) through the National Institute of General Medical Sciences for a project titled, "Identifying tandem repeat expansion-mediated mechanisms of autism-risk genes." Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a set of neurodevelopmental conditions that affect communication and social…
Amy Brown (Music) was a featured presenter for the Professional Learning Network Series, Back to School: Classroom Management Tips and Tricks, hosted by the American Orff Schulwerk Association. The presentation, "Proactive Management: Preparing Instead of Reacting," covered planning, rapport, and engagement for elementary music specialists as they…
Two years after the release of his debut novel, Broken Boys Beyond Friendship, Dak Kopec (Architecture) unveiled his second work, Logan's Legacy Beyond Blood. Continuing his commitment to exploring social equity amid societal, governmental, and judicial prejudices, this novel brings to the forefront the challenges and discrimination many…
May May Luong (Film) presented at the 78th Annual University Film and Video Association Conference in Cleveland, Ohio on July 31, 2024, on the topic, "University and Youth Collaborations in Storytelling: Young Filmmakers’ Workshops."  
Andrea Wirth (Libraries) presented "Participatory science, open science, and community engagement" at the FORCE11 Conference on the future of research communication. The presentation reported on early results of a project that looked at how research guides created by academic libraries are supporting participatory science…
The UNLV Rebels R.I.S.E. Program was selected as a recipient of the 2024 John N. Gardner Institutional Excellence for Students in Transition Award by the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. This award recognizes institutions that have designed and implemented outstanding collaborative initiatives to…
Our Talent Acquisition Team for Human Resources recently participated in the Hiring Our Heroes - Las Vegas Military Spouse Hiring Event on Tuesday, Aug. 13, a significant initiative in our ongoing recruitment and outreach efforts. This event brought together over a dozen national and local employers dedicated to hiring military spouses,…
Priyambda Kumra (Public Health) wrote a blog post "On Getting Vaccinated Against HPV" published on Shot@Life, an advocacy campaign of the United Nations Foundation. In the article, Kumra shares her HPV vaccination story, dispels myths about the vaccine, and calls for expanding access. Kumra is a graduate student.
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) co-authored the article, "Taiwanese Support for Self-Defense after the Russo–Ukrainian War," in Asian Survey. In this article, Wang and others analyzed the a series of representative surveys in Taiwan right before and after the 2022 Russo-Ukraininan War, and found that Taiwanese people polarized…

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