Drive Up, Drop Off
The Drive Up, Drop Off (DUDO) was started in October 1998 to give faculty, staff and students, living in apartments or condos, the opportunity to recycle because multi-family housing units do not provide recycling to tenants. The dumpsters were provided through a grant from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP). The community is encouraged to use the bins.
You may have notice some changes to the program! Please read below to get the new instructions. We hope this is an easier procedure for you!*
Visit our directions page for a map of the area.
The DUDO is open 7 days a week/24 hours a day/365 days a year.
We accept the following items in the DUDO:
- All Paper (including cereal boxes/paperboard)
- Books
- Cardboard
- All plastic bottles, containers, jugs, or tubs that are #1, #2, or #5.
- Aluminum
- Steel
- Glass
We do not accept these items:
- Food or items with food residue (greasy pizza boxes, etc)
- Wet items, liquids, or wet waste (items that could cause mold or contamination, etc.)
- Plastic bags
- Tissues/paper towels/napkins
- Disposable/fountain cups, plates and utensils
- Styrofoam cups
- Styrofoam packaging or peanuts
- Manila envelopes with plastic bubbles or Tyvek (overnight envelopes)
- Candy and potato chip wrappers/food packaging
- Labels/sticker paper
- Aerosol spray cans
- Photographs
- Transparencies
- Carbon paper
- Wood
- Batteries
- Hazardous materials (motor oil, gas, etc.)
- TVs, computers, or monitors (try the Blind Center of Nevada, Best Buy or Office Depot)
- Mirrors, plate glass, chinaware or ceramics
Everything can be commingled together except glass. The materials will be sorted at the same facility as the recyclable materials collected through the Valley’s curbside program. They will be sorted in the high tech Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in North Las Vegas. We are keeping the glass separate because the material can contaminate the paper. Please help us keep the materials free of contamination to ensure all materials are recycled. You can help by following the guidelines about what we do and do not accept as well as placing the items in the proper dumpster. Please place the items in the correct dumpster or bin. We have the following dumpsters:
- Commingled Dumpster(s)*: All materials except glass can go into these dumpsters. It is best to have the materials loose in the dumpster or use a paper bag. Please try to avoid using plastic bags. Typically, there will be three or four of these dumpsters available.
- Glass Bottle Dumpster: Please rinse bottles. Remove caps (put them in with your other recyclable materials in the commingled dumpster). Do not break glass. Important: Keep all glass jars and bottles separate from other recyclable materials. Do not include mirrors, plate glass, chinaware or ceramics.
- Cardboard Shed: Corrugated Cardboard only! Please place cereal boxes and similar feeling materials in the commingled dumpster. Flattening cardboard helps conserve space in this shed/bin. Small cardboard can be put in the commingled dumpster.
Please help us keep the DUDO area clean. Any bags left next to the dumpsters should be securely tied and any boxes of paper should be weighed down to avoid wind-blown litter.
Please be respectful and only bring clean containers, especially milk jugs, steel cans, dog/cat food cans, and detergent bottles.
If you have questions about these instructions, please either email or call 702-895-3760.
*The dumpsters will be painted and properly labeled in the near future. For now, they are still labeled for the old sorting procedures.