315 - Office Service

Definition: A space that directly serves an office or group of offices as an extension of the activities in those spaces.

Utilization: Department-related materials, equipment, etc that are organized in a tidy manner. It is recommended that the contents are reviewed annually.

Wherever possible Office Service space should be a shared building, floor, or division resource. When determining the need for this type of space the following will be used as a guide.

Departmental Office Service

  • Storage
  • Workrooms
  • Files

Building Resource

  • Breakrooms
  • Lactation Space
  • Storage (where possible)
  • Workrooms (where possible)
  • Conference (see room category 350)

Departmental Office Service will be calculated at 6% of all department space. Some areas may need additional office space due to their responsibilities. This will be assessed as part of the process. Building Resources will be calculated at 10% of assignable space for the building. Some building resources may not be available in all buildings (ie, breakroom in classroom building).