In The News: Department of Social and Behavioral Health

The Daily Guardian

Caring begins within, resonating outward to encompass all living beings and the environment.

The Daily Guardian

An important aspect of being a human being is to develop an awareness regarding the discomfort or suffering that we can cause for others. Such disposition entails not injuring any form of life, as far as possible, through our thoughts, words, or actions and instead providing comfort wherever there is injury. 

The Daily Guardian

Anger (krodha) is an emotion or mood that all of us have felt. Some of us feel it more frequently than others but nobody is bereft of this feeling.

The Daily Guardian

The word “Duty” in English language was derived from the French word deu (due) around 13th Century to signify repayment of obligations.

The Daily Guardian

In India, obesity has been increasing with about 350 million people fighting the battle against the bulge. There are two types of obesity – general and abdominal.

The Daily Guardian

A word that is described as a fundamental spiritual quality in Bhagavad Gita is “amanitvam” (Chapter 13.8). The English translation of this word is humility or not being proud of material existence.

India Currents

Dr. Sharma, a Professor of Social and Behavioral Health, and global public health expert, answers queries on mental health


Am I honest with myself in my thoughts, words, and actions? Do I pretend to be honest, or do I truly aspire to be honest? Who can say that as a child we were not instructed to be honest? Then why as adults, do we sometimes engage in being dishonest, deceitful, and non-truthful? These are some questions that often bother us.

The Daily Guardian

Solitude (ekanta) is a great source of joy for the spiritual aspirant. Solitude refers to the enjoyment of a simple, quiet, contemplative environment where one can just be happy with oneself. It requires not constantly engaging the mind in activity but just taking the time to smell the “roses.” It is just cherishing one’s own company. Solitude should not be mistaken for loneliness. Solitude is different from loneliness.

The Daily Guardian

Two of the Brahmavakyas in Vedas are, “Tat Twam Asi” and “Aham Bramhasmi.” These mean “Thou Art That” or “I am Brahma” respectively which imply the same thing. The prime purpose of human life is to make these not remain just lines from the scriptures to be appreciated but to translate these into real life.

The Daily Guardian

Introspective meditation involves delving deeper into one’s own consciousness to find the answers. It is a very potent tool for spiritual development and refinement.

Boston Globe

Gays, lesbians, and other sexual minorities are twice as likely to rely on friends rather than blood relatives during a health crisis. In one survey of working LGBTQ people, 63 percent said a friend or "chosen family" member had asked for help with health needs.