In The News: College of Liberal Arts

Las Vegas Review Journal

It seemed like a simple rule: Don't get involved in a political campaign while serving on Nevada's Ethics Commission. After all, legislators created the commission as the main safeguard against misconduct by candidates and elected officials. To run for office while policing others would seem to be a clear conflict of interest.

MPR News

A look ahead to caucus and elections days in 2016 and ask how the electorate has changed since 2012. What factors are motivating the key voting blocs in the states and districts that matter most?

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nevada Day is officially Oct. 31, but that's not the only scary coincidence on the calendar where the Silver State is concerned, UNLV associate history professor Michael Green says.

Irish Examiner

Hillary Clinton is fighting a battle against Bernie Sanders in Nevada. Emily Cadei reports on the campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in the deeply divided ‘swing state.’

Las Vegas Review Journal

Halloween's over, but for some of the characters who've been lurking among the witches and zombies, it's finally their time to shine.

ABC News Australia

The government of the small island nation of Nauru recently made some promises about implementing more relaxed arrangements for the housing of asylum seekers and faster processing of their claims.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Take off a few pounds here and an inch or two there on your latest photograph?


When news broke that former Los Angeles Lakers forward Lamar Odom was found unconscious at the Love Ranch brothel, it raised a lot of questions about prostitution in Nevada.

Fox News

One of the most controversial aspects of President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) has become a major thorn in the sides of Democratic presidential hopefuls vying to secure the support of labor groups across the country.

Las Vegas Review Journal

It's been just a few days since the election of Justin Trudeau as Canada's prime minister, and Trudeau's victory certainly will move the country leftward and, perhaps, affect its relations with the United States in ways not yet known.


Former Southern Nevada Water Authority chief Pat Mulroy was recently appointed to the board of gaming giant Wynn Resorts Limited.


While we don’t claim to know everything about the path to a fulfilling existence, we are pretty sure that some part of it involves being a mostly not-shitty human. Which is why we put together this package to make you good(ish). And since it’s only good(ish), we aren’t going to tell you to quit watching porn (because then we'd have to, too?)—we are just going to try to make sure that your “me time” is spent watching porn that’s made as ethically as possible.