Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

John Curry (History) published an extensive, peer-reviewed chapter in the Routledge Handbook on Sufism (London: Routledge Press, 2021). Edited by the well-known scholar of Islamic mysticism, Lloyd Ridgeon of University of Glasgow, the volume contains chapters by more than 30 of the best-known specialists in the field of Islamic studies. It serves…
Elizabeth Maltby (Political Science) published her article "Demographic Context, Mass Deportation, and Latino Linked Fate" in the Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics. The article examines how immigration enforcement shapes the way native- and foreign-born Latinos feel about their ethnic identity.
Tyler D. Parry (African American and Africa Diaspora Studies) participated in a live panel discussion held at the Mob Museum Sept. 22 on the history and future of policing in the United States. The event was entitled, "Race and Policing in America: A History of Conflict," and included commentary from historians, legal scholars, and retired police…
Cheryl Abbate (Philosophy) is the author of an article, "Nonculpably Ignorant Meat Eaters & Epistemically Unjust Meat Producers," that has been published in Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.  
Ryan Wirt, Adam McNeela (both Neuroscience), and James Hyman (Psychology) wrote an article, "Spatial Cognition: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and the Memory Puzzle," which has been published in Current Biology. We navigate through space using the coordinated activity of spatially sensitive cells in the hippocampus. A new study shows that moderate…
P. Jane Hafen (English) delivered the keynote address for the John Whitmer Historical Association Conference. Additionally, her book, Essays on American Indian and Mormon History, co-edited with Brenden Rensink of Brigham Young University, won the association's award for best anthology of 2019. 
Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes (Anthropology) is the 2020 winner of the American Anthropological Association General Anthropology Division Prize for Exemplary Cross-Field Scholarship for his article “Uncertain Futures: The Unfinished Houses of Undocumented Migrants in Oaxaca, Mexico” (2017), in American Anthropologist. In this article, Sandoval-…
David Fott (Political Science and Great Works Academic Certificate Program) wrote an essay for Constitution Day, "Natural Rights Do Not Entitle Us to Injure the Health of Others," which was published in the Nevada Independent earlier this month.
Claytee White (UNLV Oral History Research Center) facilitated a panel discussion as part of an event series titled "We Need to Talk: Conversations on Racism for a More Resilient Las Vegas." The panelists were A.B. Wilkinson (History), Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice), and Brenda Williams of the Westside School Alumni…
Olivia Cheche (Political Science, Brookings Mountain West, and Honors College) and Joshua Padilla (Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction) recently co-authored, "Students Shortchanged by Lack of Oversight, Transparency at NSHE." Their Las Vegas Sun OpEd discusses the need to fix the culture within NSHE, citing current and past…
Gregory Brown (History) has published an article documenting the first academic lectures on the French Enlightenment and French Revolution delivered in the United States, by Andrew Dickson White, between 1859 and 1861. White, an active abolitionist, worked with prominent French legal historian Edouard René de Laboulaye to build support for the…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published two papers. The first, "Predicting Problematic Pornography Use among Male Returning US Veterans," was published in Addictive Behaviors. The second paper, "Spotlight on Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder: A Systematic Review of Research on Women," was published in Neuropsychiatric Disease…