In The News: Department of Psychology

Coast 933

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride... etc and so forth." This is followed shortly after by the MC announcing the newly married couple, "Now, introducing for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Smith..."


If women do not take their husband's surname, it is sometimes perceived as "disempowering" the husband.


Today in “Why is this still a thing?”: Keeping your maiden name could affect how people view your husband.

Daily Mail

While taking their husband's surname was once the norm, women are increasingly choosing to keep their maiden name after marriage.

The Independent

Once upon a time it was considered custom for women to take their husband’s name after marrying.


Visiting my family in the Midwest over Thanksgiving, I returned to a topic that’s become very familiar ever since I became engaged a little more than a year ago: Whether I plan to change my last name after I get married.


Recent research conducted by Rachael Robnett of the University of Nevada and published in the journal Sex Roles has unearthed some truly disheartening things about how whether a heterosexual woman changes her name upon marriage affects how people think of her husband. It’s yet another example of how sexism is bad for everyone, no matter what gender you identify as — and a reminder of how much work we still have left to do to dismantle the cultural tyranny of rigidly-defined gender roles.

New York Post

What’s in a name? A lot, according to researchers from the University of Nevada.

Study Finds

What’s in a last name? Muscle, apparently. Men married to women who opt to keep their maiden names after tying the knot are often viewed as less masculine and lacking pants in the relationship, a new study finds.


When a woman chooses not to take her husband’s surname after marriage, people perceive her husband as being higher in traits related to femininity and lower in traits related to masculinity. He is also perceived as having less power in the relationship. This is according to a study led by Rachael Robnett of the University of Nevada in the US. The research is published in Springer’s journal Sex Roles and is the first to examine whether people’s perceptions of a man’s personality vary depending on whether his wife adopts his surname or retains her own.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Losing a parent in such a public and traumatic way can send a child into a tailspin, UNLV clinical psychologist Michelle Paul says.


According to a recent study by American researchers, married men who change their name to take their wife's name would lose their "dominant male" status within the couple. In contrast, wives who choose to keep their maiden name are seen as powerful and ambitious.