In The News: Department of Psychology


The passage of time has always fascinated the human mind. Tools to measure time were the first to be developed at the dawn of civilization. And each person has his or her own record of time, which sometimes seems to stretch or contract depending on the activity being performed. This perception often depends on the boredom or amusement of the situation being experienced.

Researchers from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) have discovered interesting facts about how our brain perceives the flow of time. People often think that our brains are synchronized with artificial clocks on electronic devices, counting time in very precise, minute intervals. However, a study published this month in the journal Current Biology shows that our brains do not function that way.

Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español

No, President Joe Biden did not die or be “health evacuated” from Las Vegas last week. After Biden was diagnosed with COVID-19, cutting short his trip to Southern Nevada, rumors about his health began to spread on social media.


No, President Joe Biden did not die, nor was he “medevaced” from Las Vegas last week. After Biden was diagnosed with COVID-19, cutting his Southern Nevada trip short, rumors began spreading on social media about his health.

Las Vegas Review Journal

No, President Joe Biden did not die nor was he “medevaced” from Las Vegas last week. After Biden was diagnosed with COVID-19, cutting his Southern Nevada trip short, rumors began spreading on social media about his health.


Have you ever noticed how time seems to crawl when you’re bored but flies by when you’re having fun? It turns out there’s scientific evidence behind this common experience. Researchers from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) suggest that our brains don’t actually keep track of time like a clock. Instead, they measure time based on our experiences and activities.

Cool Stuff Ride Home

You know the old age: Time flies when you're having fun? Well, a recent brain study could lend some credence to the old proverb. 


Many people think that the brain is synchronized with the clock on their electronic devices, that it counts down the time from second to second. But new research shows that this is not true at all. If nothing happens, the brain's time stands still.


Sometimes it seems to fly by, and other times it seems to drag on forever. Recent research by scientists from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) has shed light on how exactly our brain perceives this mysterious concept of time. According to the data published in the journal Current Biology, our perception of time is much more complex than we could imagine.


Ever hear the old adage that time flies when you’re having fun? A new study by a team of UNLV researchers suggests that there’s a lot of truth to the trope.


A recent rat-brain study offers insight into how the brain tells time, and its lead researcher believes the findings have practical applications for how we can cope with unpleasant things in life, or make the most of a good time.

New Atlas

Time is relative, and not only in an astrophysical sense – we’re all familiar with that feeling that time drags when we’re bored and flies when we’re busy. New analysis of brain activity patterns shows how our brains track time, and some intriguing insights into how cells handle it.