In The News: Couple and Family Therapy Program


Plus, how to reclaim your confidence and take charge in the bedroom.

The Sun

TENSIONS reached boiling point this week when Faye Winter learnt that her fellow Islanders didn’t think she was compatible with Teddy Soares.

Verywell Health

Postpartum depression is most common among moms, but it can affect dads, too. In fact, research shows that around one in 10 fathers experiences depression in the year after their baby’s birth.


According to every romantic TV show and movie ever made, women are hopelessly attracted to “bad boys”, meanwhile, overlooking the “right” person for them – AKA the “nice guy”.

Verywell Health

Even though the United States doesn't offer paid leave for new parents, a rising number of Americans are supporting the measure.

Five solid tips to understanding for real that during lovers' fights, the battle is not between a couple, but them against whatever the issue is.


For singletons, the urge to get back out there might be strong, but we’re still in a pandemic after all, and, while there’s light at the end of the tunnel, Covid’s impact on us and society at large is undeniable and unchangeable.

Head Topics

Worried about getting back out there?

As society regains its pre-pandemic routine, many people are considering ending their relationships.

Huffington Post

As we re-enter society, we’re gradually shedding the lockdown routines that took over our lives, and some may be considering ending their relationship, too.


Humans love to nickname everything – their pets, their cars, and most commonly, their partners. But one should beware when using silly slang for genitals, a sex expert explains.


If you haven't heard the terms autosexual or autoeroticism, you're not alone. These two sexual identities and their meanings are still relatively unknown and rarely discussed. But in recent years, there's been more representation of autosexuals who experience autoeroticism in mainstream media. So what does it mean to be autosexual?