Simon Gottschalk In The News
In an “always on” society — where we carry mini computers in our pockets at all times that are capable of solving nearly any problem or desire with a tap, pinch, or click — we can’t seem to escape the ever-increasing role that computer technologies play in our lives.
Medical Xpress
Is this "new normal" quite so normal when it comes to your health?
Hype Science
Brazil is the country with the highest rate of people with anxiety disorders worldwide.
The Good Men Project
Technology has made many aspects of daily life much easier. So why do we still feel so overwhelmed?
The Wire (India)
Technology has made many aspects of daily life much easier. So why do we still feel so overwhelmed?
Real Clear Science
In this 24/7, “always on” age, the prospect of doing nothing might sound unrealistic and unreasonable. But it’s never been more important.
Live Science
Our lives are so full of constant alerts and digital intrusion that it may seem like our head is going to explode.
Sputnik Mundo
In the 1950s, scholars worried that, thanks to technological innovations, Americans wouldn’t know what to do with all of their leisure time, says Simon Gottschalk, professor of sociology at UNLV.