Lynn Comella In The News

On May 20, the Magic Wand vibrator, formerly known as the Hitachi Magic Wand, turns 50 years old, marking a milestone in the history of the sexual revolution. The Magic Wand’s popularity has only increased since its 1968 inception, and unlike an orgasm, its rising action doesn’t end.
Washington Post
For America’s best-known porn actress, one of the great challenges of her career was making sure fellow performers kept their clothes on.
Washington Post
Meet May Irwin, the Stormy Daniels of the Victorian era.
The New York Times
Think back, for a moment, to the year 1968. Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated. The Beatles released the “White Album.” North Vietnam launched the Tet offensive. And American women discovered the clitoris. O.K., that last one may be a bit of an overreach, but 1968 was when “The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm,” a short essay by Anne Koedt, went that era’s version of viral. Jumping off of the Masters and Johnson bombshell that women who didn’t climax during intercourse could have multiple orgasms with a vibrator, Koedt called for replacing Freud’s fantasy of “mature” orgasm with women’s lived truth: It was all about the clitoris. That assertion single-handedly, as it were, made female self-love a political act, and claimed orgasm as a serious step to women’s overall emancipation. It also threatened many men, who feared obsolescence, or at the very least, loss of primacy. Norman Mailer, that famed phallocentrist, raged in his book “The Prisoner of Sex” against the emasculating “plenitude of orgasms” created by “that laboratory dildo, that vibrator!” (yet another reason, beyond the whole stabbing incident, to pity the man’s poor wives).
The Nevada Independent
It’s no secret that men usually outnumber women in key leadership roles — and the gaming industry isn’t any different.
Washington Post
Adult-film actress Jessica Drake made it clear that she did not plan to use her appearance at a four-day porn industry convention here to discuss her alleged encounter with Donald Trump in 2006.
Pacific Standard
Formal sex education is in decline in the United States.
Windy City Times
The Chicago book launch for author Lynn Comella's new book Vibrator Nation, detailing the fascinating history of how stores like Early to Bed set the sex-toy industry abuzz, will be Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. at 5044 N Clark St. The event is free.