Michael Green In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal
County Commission candidate Tisha Black’s campaign rollout is turning heads and winning praise almost two years before the general election for the board’s next members. Black, a Republican attorney and political newcomer, launched her campaign last month and will continue it in March with a shock-and-awe-style fundraiser that touts a “Kick-Off Committee” of more than 150 people and businesses.
K.N.P.R. News
Three Democratic congressional representatives are asking state lawmakers to remove a statue of legendary Nevada senator Patrick McCarran from the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall, saying he left what they called a "legacy of racism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia.”
Vegas Seven
Filing has closed for the local municipal elections—although you may not have noticed. Traditionally, turnout in municipal elections is putrid. Why? They come along in springtime, when our fancy turns to more important matters like baseball. They are nonpartisan, bipartisan and altogether unpartisan, or at least maintain the appearance of being so. But here are a few things about 2017’s round that should draw your interest …
Vegas Seven
“What’s past is prologue,” said Mr. Shakespeare, and that makes leading Republicans the happiest unhappy people, or unhappiest happy people, in Nevada. They hope the past is prologue, but they also have reason to worry about their future, as their president and his Congress eliminate everyone else’s.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
A growing group of lawmakers are pushing to rename McCarran International Airport and remove a statue of its namesake from Capitol Hill because of the lawmaker’s controversial history.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Yvette Williams was 19 when the landmark TV miniseries “Roots” aired over eight nights in January 1977.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
The state's Education Savings Account program remains on hold. However, during his State of the State address Tuesday night, Governor Brian Sandoval made it clear; he's moving forward with allocating $60 million for the initiative.
Las Vegas Review Journal
A coin flip and a pilot’s inexplicable miscalculation combined to snuff out one of Hollywood brightest stars 75 years ago Monday, writing a chapter in local history that continues to attract fans and the curious to the rugged Clark County crash site from all corners of the world.