Shane W. Kraus In The News
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Before you read this, please be sure you are sitting down. What you are about to learn is so shocking that you might need some time to recover. Researchers from UNLV and the University of New Mexico (UNM) have found that sports bettors are more likely to binge drink than non-gamblers or those who partake in different types of gambling.
CDC Gaming
A new study shows that sports bettors are more likely to binge drink than individuals who are not gambling at all or who are gambling in another way. The study from UNLV and the University of New Mexico included a survey of more than 4,000 people, and found that sports bettors engage in a lot more binge drinking — approximately five drinks per sitting — than their non-sports-betting counterparts, said co-author Shane Kraus, UNLV psychology professor and director of the Behavioral Addictions Lab.
Sports Talk Philly
In May 2018, the Supreme Court removed the Amateur Sports Protection Act. Since that time, 38 states including the District of Columbia have some form of legalized sports betting. Over the last six years, sports gambling has become a major industry in the US.
A new study finds evidence of a disturbing link between sports betting and risky drinking. The results, published in JAMA network openedsuggest that people who bet on sports, e-sports and daily fantasy sports are significantly more likely to engage in binge drinking than those who do not gamble or gamble in other activities.
A new study finds evidence of a troubling connection between sports gambling and risky alcohol consumption. The findings, published in JAMA Network Open, suggest that individuals who bet on sports, esports, and daily fantasy sports are significantly more likely to engage in binge drinking compared to those who do not gamble or who gamble on other activities.
Gambling News
A recent study has shed light on a concerning trend among sports bettors in the United States: a higher likelihood of binge drinking compared to non-gamblers or those who do not wager on sports.