Associate Professor Blanca Rincón (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) received the university's nomination for the 2024 Nevada Regents Mid-Career Researcher Award. The nomination now goes to the system-level committee and the winner, who will receive a $5,000 stipend, will be announced in early 2024. 
Daniel Chi (Finance) presented his research paper, “Information Technology and the Information Content of Financial Markets,” at the 2023 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois. FMA is the world’s premier association on finance research and education. Chi’s paper was selected as a semifinalist for the best paper…
Ph.D. candidate Kristine Jan Cruz Espinoza (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) has been selected as the recipient of the 2023 NASPA Region V Graduate Student Rising Star Award. This award is given to a graduate student showing evidence of exemplary service to an institution of higher education, to NASPA, and to the…
Jennifer Hurtado (Medicine), a dedicated second-year student from the Class of 2026, has earned the prestigious 2023 Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship, awarded by the National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF). This competitive honor spotlights individuals who have shown exemplary academic prowess, leadership qualities, and a deep-…
Stephanie Fell and Landon Paljusaj (both Libraries) gave a presentation titled, "Serials Reclassification and Metadata Remediation: A Case Study in Progress" at the NASIG Autumn 2023 virtual conference. The presentation described two projects currently underway in the Libraries to improve access and discovery to Special Collections Periodicals and…
Barbara Lewis (Public Health) presented at the Patient Experience Symposium on High-Performing Patient & Family Advisory Councils: Winning Strategies and Best Practices in Boston on Sept. 19.  
Dak Kopec (Interior Architecture and Design) presented at Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (Germany) on the topic of Trauma Informed Design on October 16.  We live in a divided world where violence, in one form or another, dominates the daily news. With this global trend, Interior design is being called upon to provide environments that…
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) gave a virtual keynote address for the 6th Annual National Congress on Normal School Education held in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Her address focused on strategies for supporting and understanding "children's philosophy" within the K-12 school system.
Aude Picard (Life Sciences) was awarded two research grants: $694,948 from the NASA Exobiology program to study microbial activity and microbial signatures under conditions analog to those found on icy moons of the outer Solar System (e.g. Europa, satellite of Jupiter) and $34,627 from the NV NASA space grant research infrastructure program to…

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