The Lincy Institute News
Current Lincy Institute News

A monthly roundup of the top news stories featuring UNLV staff and students.

Brookings Mountain West and the Lied Center for Real Estate at UNLV host national housing policy experts to present research and discuss housing finance system reforms on Sept. 23.
Faculty respond to the mental health crisis with multiple programs focused on addressing the shortages and challenges in Nevada on April 5.

UNLV vice president's preschool revolt was the start of her career in government affairs. She presents at Grad College event Feb. 22.

Scholars bring their expertise in American politics, workforce development, financial regulation, federal assistance programs, college access, and community-based planning.
Billot, a senior in the Honors College pursuing double majors in political science and environmental studies, moves to the final interview stage for world's most prestigious graduate scholarship.
Lincy Institute In The News

The spotlight is on two movie studio bills going before Nevada lawmakers, as Sony Pictures and Warner Bros. look for tax credits in exchange for bringing thousands of jobs, new facilities and hundreds of millions of dollars in investments.
As a pediatric doctor in New Bern, Dr. David Tayloe III has experienced months long delays when referring his patients to a specialist. This can lead to delays in a diagnosis, which impacts treatment and can affect the health of the child, said Tayloe, the executive vice president of the N.C. Pediatric Society.

In September, The Lincy Institute, a public policy think tank at UNLV, published a study highlighting the need for a stand-alone children’s hospital in Southern Nevada.

The metropolitan Las Vegas area continues to be a popular destination for folks looking to leave Southern California.

The metropolitan Las Vegas area continues to be a popular destination for folks looking to leave Southern California.

Jeremy Aguero started his yearly economic report at Preview Las Vegas on Thursday morning reiterating the valley’s “remarkable” development over the past few decades.