News: College of Sciences

Image of telescope amidst dark sky
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UNLV astrophysicist Bing Zhang contributes to understanding the physical mechanisms of fast radio bursts in three papers published in Nature.

Staff demonstrate safety procedures
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One of her hobbies has taught the lab safety manager that sometimes the victor is the one who just keeps moving forward.

UNLV professor Ashkan Salamat in his lab on UNLV's campus
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The discovery, reported in the journal Nature, opens door for reimagining the energy grid, technology, society

artist rendering of neutron star merger
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UNLV astrophysicist Bing Zhang contributes to study offering new, most complete start-to-finish view of neutron star merger.

woman smiling
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Brookings Mountain West and The Lincy Institute student researchers embrace remote learning and engage in public policy research to benefit UNLV and the region.

A woman sits on a couch, surrounded by UNLV paraphernalia
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College of Sciences Alumna of the Year made a change at UNLV that led to an inspirational career in education.

Political Science Major Su-Hanah Andrews studies on the 2nd floor of Hospitality Hall
Campus News |

UNLV takes on another school semester with precaution and discovery.

full body image of Joy MckKenna
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Seeing opportunities to meet needs during the COVID-19 crisis, the 2020 summer Ph.D. graduate stepped in to help. 

Manakacha trackway March 2018 (46).JPG
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UNLV geologist investigating 310 million-year-old fossil trackway from ancient reptilian creature.

A hand is seen wiping a folder with a UNLV logo
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As summer comes to a close and classrooms open, UNLV biochemist Ernesto Abel-Santos offers cleaning best practices.

A portrait of U.N.L.V.'s new president Keith Whitfield on campus.
Campus News |

As summer heats up, so do the accomplishments on UNLV’s campus.

Students point at artwork
Business and Community |

Grant trains UNLV students to teach science concepts to more than 4,000 local elementary students.