For media inquiries, visit the Office of Media Relations website or call 702-895-3102.

World Casino News

Over 15,000 visitors are expected to make footfall at The Venetian Macao from May 15 to 17 when Asia’s Global Gaming Expo kicks off for the twelfth year running. This edition will comprise four main tracks: The Future of Gaming; The Future of Integrated Resorts; The Future of Digital Content & Technology, and IAGA Best Practices Institute.

Las Vegas Sun

Media reports describe Cape Town, South Africa, as a parched, barren land where the perfect combination of drought, climate change, a growing population and excessive water use has left officials counting down the days when the coastal city’s tap runs dry.

Las Vegas Review Journal

It’s easy to take museums for granted. Or, worse, to think of them just as warehouses for stuff from the past.

Las Vegas Sun

The first time Cecilia Gomez walked into the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in downtown Las Vegas, she was arrested, allegedly roughed up and sent on a bus headed for the U.S. border with Mexico.

Ed Scoop

As students prepare to leave campus to recharge or explore internship opportunities, college and university IT departments can take advantage of the relative quiet on campus to explore their own IT opportunities and embracing IT modernization.

Las Vegas Sun

The turmoil surrounding UNLV President Len Jessup in recent weeks spilled directly into the university’s School of Medicine, where Dean Barbara Atkinson found herself facing uncertainty over whether she would be allowed to remain at the head of the school.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

One of the many subcultures that makes Las Vegas unlike any other city in the world is the large work force, deployed three shifts per day, running table games that help keep the local economy humming.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

Young college graduates are more likely to be living with their parents than they were before the housing bubble, especially in places that had a more exaggerated boom and subsequent crash.

Times Higher Education

Higher education has been transformed in countless ways over the past few centuries, but one thing remains largely unchanged: the mortar boards worn on graduation day.

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