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Arts and Culture |
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People |
Shipra De, A Triple Major at UNLV, Among an Elite Group of Aspiring Scientists, Mathematicians and Engineers Honored with 2010 Scholarship
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Arts and Culture |
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Research |
Element 117 Created at Research Facility in Dubna, Russia; Data Analysis Support Provided by UNLV Researchers
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Research |
Discussion With Brookings Senior Fellow William Frey at 5:30 p.m. in Greenspun Hall Auditorium at UNLV
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Campus News |
Civil Engineering Students from 17 Universities - including UNLV – Put Technical, Environmental Design Skills to Test During Competition April 8-10
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People |
Michael Dakduk Recognized for Leadership Potential and Intellectual Ability From a Field of Nearly 600 Candidates
Bing Zhang poses for camera
Research |
Although they are small in number — five full-time faculty members and one part-time professor — and their program is relatively new, UNLV astrophysics professors have not escaped the attention of the National Science Foundation and NASA. Both agencies now actively fund the group's research and rely on their expertise to ensure mission success.
Lake Mead
Research |
While drought conditions in the West continue to produce record drops in water levels at Lake Mead, a rising tide of research at UNLV seeks to address some of the region's most pressing water issues.
Research |
Increasing the number of graduates is still a priority, but UNLV’s School of Nursing also seeks to build its research and enhance understanding of the endeavor.
UNLV History |
History professor Eugene Moehring is a respected scholar on urban history issues and the West. But the Harry Reid Silver State Research Award recipient says the students are still the most important part of the research equation.
Feet running
Research |
A unique, 20-year study found that regular exercise, especially if continued over time, significantly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease in middle-aged and older men.