Erin Hamilton (Accounting) was awarded a three-year fellowship  with EY. EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Hamilton is the second faculty member in accounting to be named an EY fellow.
Eve Hanan (Law) presented her research on the implications of neuroplasticity in criminal sentencing decisions at the University of New Mexico School of Law in Albuquerque earlier this month.
Michael Johnson (Nursing) presented "Cancer Risk Factors in a Sample of Sexual Minorities: Dietary Intake, Obesity, Alcohol, and Tobacco" at the Society of Behavioral Medicine's 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions in New Orleans.  
Daniel Chi (Finance) and his co-authors' paper "Why Has the Value of Cash Increased over Time?" was published in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. This publication is considered to be an A+ journal in finance. Additionally, he recently was interviewed by Las Vegas Sun and discussed issues concerning debt…
Andrea Darby (Life Sciences) recently won first prize in the Science Slam competition at the 59th Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Philadelphia. The title of her spoken word piece was "Pet Project." She is an undergraduate student in her senior year.
Jun Yong Kang and Hai Huang (both Chemistry and Biochemistry), as well as computational study collaborators at the University of Colorado, Denver, published a research article, "Direct Aryloxylation/Alkyloxylation of Dialkyl Phosphonates for the Synthesis of Mixed Phosphonates," in Angewandte Chemie. This research demonstrates a new synthetic…
Thomas Padilla (Libraries) recently participated in an invitation-only national forum, Data Mining Research Using In-copyright and Limited-access Text Databases, that took place in Chicago. The project brought together experts and thought leaders to articulate an agenda that provides guidelines for libraries to facilitate research access…
Boo Shan Tseng and Sophia Araujo Hernandez (both Life Sciences), as well as collaborators at the University of Washington and the University of Calgary, published a research article, "A Biofilm Matrix-Associated Protease Inhibitor Protects Pseudomonas Aeruginosa from Proteolytic Attack", in the high-impact journal mBio. The work shows…
Jenna Weglarz-Ward (Educational and Clinical Studies) and colleague Rosa Milagros Santos recently published a systemic literature review of research related to including young children with disabilities in child care settings. The article, "Parent and Professional Perceptions of Inclusion in Child Care: A Literature Review," appeared in the…

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