Students in JOUR 439 (Journalism and Media Studies) won the Student Emmy Award for Best Student Program - Sports Program from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences - Pacific Southwest Chapter. The students put together a remote show from Allegiant Stadium, previewing last fall's UNLV football team.
Jennifer Vanderlaan (Nursing) was honored with the W. Newton Long Award for the Advancement of Midwifery. This award honors the memory of Long, a longtime supporter of midwives, midwifery practice, and midwifery research in the diverse settings in which he practiced as an OB/GYN, such as the Indian Health Service, the Johns Hopkins Hospital…
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and Jinsuh Tark (Business and Hospitality) recently presented the case study, “MGM’s Dilemma: Responsibility vs. Profitability," at the 2021 Annual Conference: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. Tark is in the dual MBA/Master of Science Hotel Administration program.  
Andrew Thomas-Reyes (Nursing) received the 2021 UNLV Research Foundation and UNLV Foundation grant to fund his work, "Testing the Feasibility of Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Smartphone App Intervention for College Student Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Randomized Controlled Trial.” He will be working with Christopher…
Michelle Elizabeth Tusan (History) published "The Woman of No Importance" as part of the Lausanne Project, an international group of scholars engaged in rewriting the history of the end of World War I. 
William Bauer (History) presented a paper at the annual conference of the Historians of the Twentieth Century United States.  Bauer's paper, "Reclaiming Alcatraz: The Legacies and Continuities of the Alcatraz Occupation, 1971-2021," explored the significance of the American Indian occupation of Alcatraz in light of more recent examples…
Mary Ludwig (History) presentated a paper at the annual conference of the Historians of the Twentieth Century United States.  Ludwig's paper "Shared Histories: Internment on Indigenous Lands" explored the relationship between Indigenous People and Japanese immigrants at internment camps placed on American Indian…
Richard Saladino and Julie Meyers (Libraries) have artwork featured in a pair of juried exhibitions at the UNLV Donna Beam Art Gallery Online Gallery and Clark County's Rotunda Gallery at the Government Center.  Saladino, art, architecture and design librarian, has three works, La Fin Suite - Field of Dreams - Father, No. 1,  La Fin…
Macy Helm (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), an undergraduate student, was the lead author on an invited critical review that examined the role of nutrition interventions in addressing the impact of menstrual hormones on hydration status and micronutrient deficiencies in female athletes. Helm was mentored by Arpita Basu…

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