Manoj Sharma (Environmental & Occupational Health) coauthored the article "Influence of the request and purchase of television advertised foods on dietary intake and obesity among children in China" with colleagues from Chongqing Medical University.  The study identifies the role that television advertisements and accompanying purchases…
Benjamin Burroughs (Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies) recently published in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport a manuscript titled "Content analysis of biological sex-specific media coverage of sport: The case of National Collegiate Athletic Association athletic department home webpages." The article was…
John Colombo (Dental) co-authored “Innovative Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics in Cleft Palate Tissue Engineering,” which appeared online June 16 in Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews.
Gabriela Buccini (Environmental and Occupational Health) is a co-author of a newly published article, "Household food insecurity and early childhood development in Brazil: an analysis of children under 2 years of age," in the Public Health Nutrition journal. The study found that household food insecurity is strongly associated…
Katherine M. Howard, Karl Kingsley, Jaydene McDaniel, Steven McDaniel, Beanca Samiano, and Matthew Marrujo (all Dental) recently published the manuscript "Microbial Screening Reveals Oral Site-Specific Locations of the Periodontal Pathogen Selenomonas noxia" in the journal Current Issues in Molecular Biology. 
Karl Kingsley, Rhonda Everett, and Charles Buchanan (all Dental) recently published the article "Longitudinal Curricular Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness of Intimate Partner Violence among First-Year Dental Students" in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 
Manoj Sharma (Environmental & Occupational Health) recently published the Korean language translated version of his book, Introduction to Community and Public Health (2nd edition; Jossey-Bass), that he wrote with co-author Paul Branscum of Miami University. The book serves a formerly unmet need for students in South Korea and will benefit the…
Marina Georgieva (Libraries) published a case study that focuses on the UNLV Libraries digital collections experience of cleaning up and preparing non-MARC metadata for migration to a new DAMS. The author shares her experience on cleaning up more than 50,000 records in Excel for slightly over six months. Excel is a convenient,…
Dustin W. Davis (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences) recently published a manuscript, "A Literature Review on the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Labyrinth Walking" in the International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences. Labrynth walking entails walking a path that curves to create a circular, square, or…

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