Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) was invited to host a virtual roundtable, "The Study of Taiwan Politics Overseas: The New Frontier," which was sponsored by the Center for Taiwan Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. This roundtable invited six scholars to discuss their experience and expectation in the studies of Taiwan politics.…
Abraham Lugo (Political Science) represented the United States and Make the Road Nevada, a local nonprofit that empowers working class immigrant communities, at the United Nations Economic and Social Council Youth Forum. Engaging in dialogue with other member states during the 2022 UN High-level Political Forum on sustainable development,…
Kristen Costello (Libraries) is the Libraries' Spring 2022 Inspirational Customer Service Award recipient. She was nominated in recognition of the outstanding customer service she provides in her multiple roles, both as the interim head of access services and the systems librarian, going above and beyond to problem-solve and improve processes…
Linda Lister (Music) was in residence earlier this month at the University of Mississippi (UM), presenting a vocal master class and leading yoga practices for both the music department and the Honors College. UM Opera Theatre commissioned a new chamber orchestration of Lister's opera State of Grace, which premiered at Ole Miss April 23 and 24…
Jenna Weglarz-Ward (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) and Kimberly Hile of the University of Alabama in Huntsville published an article with practical considerations for supporting families of infants and toddler with disabilities across medical services, early intervention, and childcare, specifically with insight into lessons…
Jacob D. Skousen (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) with Linda Vogel from the University of Northern Colorado presented at the 2022 American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. Their presentation, Leading Virtual Schools: Unique Challenges and Preparation Needs of Virtual School Principals, outlined…
Taylor Flaherty and Diana Simpson (both Anthropology) won the British Association for Forensic Anthropology and Missing People UK ‘Told in 90 Seconds’ Charity Research Competition with the talk "(Mis)Identifying a Transgender Woman Using FORDISC in 90 Seconds." Flaherty made the presentation. The research team included Jenny Byrnes (Anthropology)…
Kavita Batra (Medicine), Brian Labus (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), Jennifer R. Pharr, and Emylia Terry (both Environmental and Occupational Health) published a study, "Assessing Psychological Impact of COVID-19 among Parents of Children Returning to K-12 Schools: A U.S. Based Cross-Sectional Survey," in the Healthcare journal. The purpose…
LeAnne Salazar Montoya (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) and colleagues from other institutions have been selected, via a peer-reviewed process, to present a session, Critical Pedagogies and Pedagogies in Times of Crisis: Dialogues Across Latinx Studies and Sites of Engagement, at the annual meeting of the American Studies…

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